Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another trip to Disneyland!???

I know what your all thinking, how many different posts will I have with pictures of my spoiled children at Disneyland!? Well, we had passes all this past year, and with the current situation we are in, we won't be able to renew, so I am living it up! They expire at the end of Feb. and we went on Wed. and are going back in a few weeks! I also figure with Hailey starting Kindergarten in the fall, there will be no more days at Disneyland with no crowds. I never go during the summer, because I hate lines. So, today I salute my Disney Passes and I will miss them when they are gone! Here are some pics from the day. It was fun, just the girls and I!


5littlenordstroms said...

Man that looks fun. The girls are begging to go to a park today but the snow just won't let us. Disneyland and the weather are the only things we miss about California. Oh and family too but California sure sounds good about now.

Autumn said...

Live it up. You can never get tired of Disneyland