Sunday, January 31, 2010


First of all these two pictures are totally true to their personalities. I call this one, Vampire Bid, because McKenzie's nickname is Biddy. The other one I named Hello Kitty Hailey. She was wearing head to toe Hello Kitty that day.
So we moved right after Christmas, which I blogged about already, but since then Hailey hates school and church and anything else that doesn't involve me or her dad. We left her in the same school as to not disrupt her life too much, but ever since Christmas break and the move, she cries all the time while getting ready for school and after she gets there. I am now volunteering in her classroom like 4 days a week to lessen some of the tears, but she is still hating school. What is the deal??? What can I do??? I tried putting a small picture of our family in her pocket and we all kissed it and put all our love inside, and I put it in her pocket so if she misses me or feels like she wants to cry, she can open it up and see us. It worked a tiny bit, but the problem is still very much there. I need help, suggestions, anything. I don't want to homeschool this kid!

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