Sunday, February 28, 2010
Addison Eve . . .
So, little did I know that hours after my previous post, I would be going into the hospital to have this little bundle of joy. I posted Tuesday about my Dr. appt. and Tues. night at around 11:30, my water broke! I honestly was shocked and had nothing prepared. That same day, my mom had brought me some Newborn size diapers, I had no hospital bag packed, nothing together, it was crazy. So we went in, my contractions weren't very close together, so around 5 am, they started pitocin, then they kicked that up a notch, and all came crumbling down! I felt one long crazy contraction that wouldn't let up, and I instantly said, that isn't right. About 5 seconds later, a bunch of nurses came in and threw an oxygen mask on me and started rolling me around from side to side. I guess the heart beat up until now was around 140 and dropped to 60 for a while because of the pitocin. So they got her heart rate back up and took me off that junk, then at 8:12 am after 3 long pushes, there she was . . . .
8 lbs 2 ounces of sheer heaven. 20 1/2 inches long. Very light colored hair, dark gray blue eyes.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My Personal Photographer, Hailey . . .

Thursday, February 18, 2010
So Hailey and McKenzie got some nail polish for Valentines Day and Hailey then spent the entire day giving everyone who would sit still long enough Mani/Pedi's. Here it's McKenzie's turn! I got mine done and tried to remove it the other day because it's very, very glittery, and guess what?! It doesn't come off. So I got to work Monday night and tonight with loads of glitter on my nails. We are doing okay, otherwise. Hailey continues on her I Hate School kick, and is still crying when I leave. Today was a tiny bit better, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. I have had some crazy patience and I have just about reached my limit. It's been over a month that she has done this every day of school.
I don't know what is happening with Addison, I was supposed to have a Dr. appt. today to be "checked", but honestly didn't want to waste the 30 bucks on a copay to tell me what I already know. She isn't coming this week! So I cancelled that. I will hopefully keep my appt. next week to have an update! On a much happier note ~~~ Saturday is supposed to be my last day of work!!! (for maternity leave) I am so excited to have my evenings free and here with my family. Not to mention, my weekends again!
I don't know what is happening with Addison, I was supposed to have a Dr. appt. today to be "checked", but honestly didn't want to waste the 30 bucks on a copay to tell me what I already know. She isn't coming this week! So I cancelled that. I will hopefully keep my appt. next week to have an update! On a much happier note ~~~ Saturday is supposed to be my last day of work!!! (for maternity leave) I am so excited to have my evenings free and here with my family. Not to mention, my weekends again!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I am huge . . .
So I just picked up my camera, blew off the dust and looked at the last pictures that I took. They were from Christmas day. I guess I haven't been doing a great job lately! Me working is finally starting to slow down, and I only work this week and next before I start an early Maternity leave!! I have been dealing with a lot with the move and Hailey not taking it so well, still!! And I am growing by the minute! The general public cannot believe that I have another 4 weeks to go, and I literally get stopped by strangers asking about this curious human in my tummy. It's a horrible picture of me, Hailey took it, but here is the latest!
I know, I am a freak of nature and super low, and nobody sees how I can possibly grow any larger, but I will. I had a Dr. appt. this morning, and she is head down and in position. I am right on track Iguess and will be at the Dr. office weekly now to be "checked". Sounds fun, I am so not ready for this!!! This was the fastest pregnancy in the history of pregnancies!! I can't believe it's almost over already!

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