Sunday, February 28, 2010

Addison Eve . . .

So, little did I know that hours after my previous post, I would be going into the hospital to have this little bundle of joy. I posted Tuesday about my Dr. appt. and Tues. night at around 11:30, my water broke! I honestly was shocked and had nothing prepared. That same day, my mom had brought me some Newborn size diapers, I had no hospital bag packed, nothing together, it was crazy. So we went in, my contractions weren't very close together, so around 5 am, they started pitocin, then they kicked that up a notch, and all came crumbling down! I felt one long crazy contraction that wouldn't let up, and I instantly said, that isn't right. About 5 seconds later, a bunch of nurses came in and threw an oxygen mask on me and started rolling me around from side to side. I guess the heart beat up until now was around 140 and dropped to 60 for a while because of the pitocin. So they got her heart rate back up and took me off that junk, then at 8:12 am after 3 long pushes, there she was . . . . 8 lbs 2 ounces of sheer heaven. 20 1/2 inches long. Very light colored hair, dark gray blue eyes.
WE are all in love . . .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Personal Photographer, Hailey . . .

Hailey took this of me tonight, so we could all point and laugh at how huge I am. I had a Dr. appt today and I am dialated 3 cm. and 50 % effaced. I am so not ready for this, I don't remember being this nervous or apprehensive about giving birth the first two times! When I was pregnant with McKenzie I was begging the Dr. to strip my membranes and move things along as quick as possible, today I was just hoping they didn't shake anything loose to make this progress faster than it needs to!!! I feel like I am crossing my legs a bit more than usual if ya know what I mean. Any who, besides the normal aches and pains and mildly uncomfortable but totally irregular contractions, I am fine. I have lots of little items to buy this weekend so this little girls survives on the outside if she comes soon!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So Hailey and McKenzie got some nail polish for Valentines Day and Hailey then spent the entire day giving everyone who would sit still long enough Mani/Pedi's. Here it's McKenzie's turn! I got mine done and tried to remove it the other day because it's very, very glittery, and guess what?! It doesn't come off. So I got to work Monday night and tonight with loads of glitter on my nails. We are doing okay, otherwise. Hailey continues on her I Hate School kick, and is still crying when I leave. Today was a tiny bit better, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. I have had some crazy patience and I have just about reached my limit. It's been over a month that she has done this every day of school.
I don't know what is happening with Addison, I was supposed to have a Dr. appt. today to be "checked", but honestly didn't want to waste the 30 bucks on a copay to tell me what I already know. She isn't coming this week! So I cancelled that. I will hopefully keep my appt. next week to have an update! On a much happier note ~~~ Saturday is supposed to be my last day of work!!! (for maternity leave) I am so excited to have my evenings free and here with my family. Not to mention, my weekends again!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am huge . . .

So I just picked up my camera, blew off the dust and looked at the last pictures that I took. They were from Christmas day. I guess I haven't been doing a great job lately! Me working is finally starting to slow down, and I only work this week and next before I start an early Maternity leave!! I have been dealing with a lot with the move and Hailey not taking it so well, still!! And I am growing by the minute! The general public cannot believe that I have another 4 weeks to go, and I literally get stopped by strangers asking about this curious human in my tummy. It's a horrible picture of me, Hailey took it, but here is the latest!
I know, I am a freak of nature and super low, and nobody sees how I can possibly grow any larger, but I will. I had a Dr. appt. this morning, and she is head down and in position. I am right on track Iguess and will be at the Dr. office weekly now to be "checked". Sounds fun, I am so not ready for this!!! This was the fastest pregnancy in the history of pregnancies!! I can't believe it's almost over already!